The Warsaw Pact will be the aggressor and will prompt the attack on the West. The main objective is to seize all possible territory directly West of Fulda Gap to the Rhine River, cutting NATO forces in half to the North and to the South. Next, destroy all remaining NATO forces and capture the West German city of Frankfurt. Post advance options include nuclear exchange with the West, an agreed upon cease fire, or the unconditional surrender of Western Forces.
NATO does not wish to start WWIII in the European Theater because it is outnumbered 1.5 to 1 in almost all areas along the West / East German boarder and in many places, especially in regards to tanks, 3 to 1. If a Soviet led offensive should take place, NATO will hold off the advance to the Rhine River at all costs. If the Soviets push past the Rhine River, Western influence and its ideals will be lost to Communism in the whole of Europe. Because NATO is so outnumbered, they have relied heavily on the threat of the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
In case of an attack, NATO would advance across the Fulda Plain to stall the Soviet advance using conventional forces, do not allow the Soviets to cross the Rhine River, try to push the Soviets back into East Germany and sue for a cease fire before a nuclear exchange occurs. The worst-case victory will come through the use of nuclear weapons, but the use of tactical nuclear weapons could lead to a full-scale, world-wide nuclear exchange between NATO and WARSAW PACT nations.
Additional maps in different sizes can be found HERE 1st Phase (1000-1300 Saturday) -The Opening Salvos
Warsaw Pact: Advance across Fulda Gap taking out NATO forces while seizing all territory and bridges in vicinity of the Fulda River, taking Bad Herzfeld (Fort Duckett) and Fulda (Firebase Alpha) and holding them (including OP Romeo and OP Alpha). NATO: Stall Soviet advance to Frankfurt (Sim City) and Marburg (HB Hill) as much as possible without using tactical nuclear weapons. Roll in reserve forces to stem the Soviet advance.
2nd Phase (1300-1500 Saturday) -The Battle for the Hills
Warsaw Pact: Advance across the Fulda River and seize Marburg (HB Hill) and Limburg (Ft. Apache)
NATO: Continue stalling Soviet advance, and counter attack as much as possible to push Soviets back into East Germany.
3rd Phase (1500-1700 Saturday) -The End Game in the Cities
Warsaw Pact: Advance across the Rhine to seize Frankfurt (Sim City) and attack Camp Lee (FB Rex) from the rear. NATO: Continue stalling Soviet advance into Frankfurt.
If all areas East of the Rhine River are held by the Warsaw Pact, along with all of Frankfurt, it will result in a cease fire with NATO, with the Warsaw Pact bringing all of Germany under communist East Germany-a great political and military victory in itself. If NATO pushes the Warsaw Pact nations back into East Germany, it will be a militaristic and political humiliation for Moscow.
Night game (2000-2200 Saturday)
We will run a not for points night game in Sim City for anyone interested NOTE-Anyone wishing to participate in the night game must re-chronograph their markers to 250 FPS (Chrono opens at 1800) and must attend a safety briefing at 1900 (7:00PM). Anyone caught playing the night game without their night safety brief will be removed from the night game and their side will receive an unsportsmanlike conduct. Lasers and full-auto (ramping) not permitted, semi-auto only. Flashlights are recommended. Day Two (1000-1400 Sunday)
1000-1400 The Counter-Attack
Note- All bases that have been destroyed in the previous day are back in play. All dead zones are in play with standards restrictions (reference game map).
Warsaw Pact- Re-enter field and occupy Frankfurt (Sim City), Fulda (Alpha), Camp Lee (FB Rex) and Gotha (FB Bravo) and any other base on the Warsaw side. Defend the territory against the NATO counterattack.
NATO- Re-enter field and occupy Limburg (Apache), Marburg (HB Hill), and Bad Herzfeld (FB Duckett). Launch counterattack on Warsaw Pact in eastern Germany and drive them back to East Germany and Czechoslovakia.