Registration Information
PRE-REGISTER TO SAVE money as prices go up as we get closer to game day.
On game weekend prices increase again and you will be assigned to the side that needs more players to balance the game.
Due to the size of this game, you MUST be pre-registered on or before 2359 October 31st to get the pre-registration rates.
Register EARLY to beat the unit and side caps! Once units are capped out (FULL), players will not be able to register for them. Have your second preference in mind before your get registered.
Best rule of thumb - if you are a team, register at the SAME time so you are guaranteed a spot with your teammates. Other rule of thumb...REGISTER EARLY! Walk on registration is ASSIGNED to units (or sides) needing players, not by player preference.
Registration INCLUDES:
entrance into numerous prize drawings,
field fees for entire weekend.
This is a EVENT paint only game.
We have re-ordered the same AWESOME VALKEN Paint that we had for the past 9 years. This paint will have a special fill just in case we have frosty nights as we have had for the past five years. We will also have some custom First Strike fills for this game as well.
We have also selected a special fill color for this game. We have also ordered a special SHELL COLOR and we will be spot checking hoppers and pods. Anyone shooting off color paint will be ESCORTED FROM THE FIELD. Hits of any fill color other than the game designated color will not count a hit player out and to reiterate - those shooting OFF COLOR SHELL AND FILL will be escorted to the store to purchase the correct event paint.
Players who pre-register online have the ability to pre-purchase their paint at a discount. As the ticket prices increase so does the paint price.
On game weekend, paint will be priced as follows: Field grade for $75 per case, Mid-grade for $85 per case, and First Strikes at $75.00 per bag of 150 if we have not sold out.
team paint purchases
TEAMS if you would like to make a bulk purchase, please contact us at and we may be able to work larger bulk purchases at a discount (40 or more cases). Ask for the Fulda Gap Bulk Paint Discount program. Bulk paint discounts only available until 30 days prior to the event.
Saturday Game will start promptly at 10:00 and end at 5:00, night game will begin at 8:00 and end at 10:00. Sunday game will begin at 9:00 and will end at 2:00. See the schedule for more details.
Door prizes and awards will be held at 3:00pm on Sunday
Field will open from 10:00am until 8pm on Friday for players to pick up registration materials. Walk on players are welcome to get in the game anytime from from noon to 8pm on Friday. See the schedule for additional dates and times when players can pick up their event packets.
We have multiple food vendors for this event - be sure to bring extra cash for purchasing direct from vendors. We do not have an ATM on premises, nor do we do "cash back" through our store. There is an ATM located at the Exxon station near our field (2 minute drive, 5 minute walk).
Should you have any questions regarding the game or registration - please call us at (828) 495-4155 or email at
ATTENTION: A new waiver will be necessary for this event even if you have played another scenario at our field in 2023. Print the waiver (download from HERE) fill it out, and then present it at the check in/registration building for a speedier check in process (along with your receipt and safety briefing test scores).
Things you will need to have completed before registration
WAIVER:>> 2025_cdwc_waiver_and_rules.pdf
Player and Safety brief updated in fall of 2025
Player Safety Quiz updated in fall of 2025
YES! You CAN watch the safety briefing online at and then, to prove to us you took it and that you know the rules, you can click on the link to take the "quiz". The quiz is a 10 question quiz. You must score a 80% Once you have completed and passed the quiz, print out your safety certificate and bring it with you to the field when you check in for the game. We also found many of our participants had saved it to their phone and that was FINE by us! If you have not completed the online safety quiz or cannot present evidence to us that suggests that you have, you will need to watch the video at the field prior registration.
When you arrive on site, if you have pre-registered, you will want to check in with registration to receive your player packet containing a player identification card. This will identify you as having paid your entry fee, completed your waiver, safety briefing and quiz and allow you entry into the chronograph stations, and air fills. Once you have checked in, it's a good time to buy your paintball tickets if you have not already.
In order to receive any player materials or paint tickets, you MUST sign a Fulda Gap waiver upon your arrival. All players under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian signature. No exceptions. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MINIMUM AGE TO PLAY FULDA GAP IS 10 YEARS AND OLDER.
Those who arrive at the field who have not pre-registered should do so immediately at the field store! You will be required to fill out the registration form and sign a waiver. While registering, you may also purchase your paintball tickets.
Upon completing registration and check in, you will have the following: ID card, intro packet, and any pre-purchased paint tickets. Safety video and quiz will once again be available to take online. Do this before registration to save time!
You will not be able to receive air fills or chronograph without an ID badge that shows you have attended the safety briefing, so be sure to take care of your identification!
PRE-REGISTER TO SAVE money as prices go up as we get closer to game day.
On game weekend prices increase again and you will be assigned to the side that needs more players to balance the game.
Due to the size of this game, you MUST be pre-registered on or before 2359 October 31st to get the pre-registration rates.
Register EARLY to beat the unit and side caps! Once units are capped out (FULL), players will not be able to register for them. Have your second preference in mind before your get registered.
Best rule of thumb - if you are a team, register at the SAME time so you are guaranteed a spot with your teammates. Other rule of thumb...REGISTER EARLY! Walk on registration is ASSIGNED to units (or sides) needing players, not by player preference.
Registration INCLUDES:
entrance into numerous prize drawings,
field fees for entire weekend.
This is a EVENT paint only game.
We have re-ordered the same AWESOME VALKEN Paint that we had for the past 9 years. This paint will have a special fill just in case we have frosty nights as we have had for the past five years. We will also have some custom First Strike fills for this game as well.
We have also selected a special fill color for this game. We have also ordered a special SHELL COLOR and we will be spot checking hoppers and pods. Anyone shooting off color paint will be ESCORTED FROM THE FIELD. Hits of any fill color other than the game designated color will not count a hit player out and to reiterate - those shooting OFF COLOR SHELL AND FILL will be escorted to the store to purchase the correct event paint.
Players who pre-register online have the ability to pre-purchase their paint at a discount. As the ticket prices increase so does the paint price.
On game weekend, paint will be priced as follows: Field grade for $75 per case, Mid-grade for $85 per case, and First Strikes at $75.00 per bag of 150 if we have not sold out.
team paint purchases
TEAMS if you would like to make a bulk purchase, please contact us at and we may be able to work larger bulk purchases at a discount (40 or more cases). Ask for the Fulda Gap Bulk Paint Discount program. Bulk paint discounts only available until 30 days prior to the event.
Saturday Game will start promptly at 10:00 and end at 5:00, night game will begin at 8:00 and end at 10:00. Sunday game will begin at 9:00 and will end at 2:00. See the schedule for more details.
Door prizes and awards will be held at 3:00pm on Sunday
Field will open from 10:00am until 8pm on Friday for players to pick up registration materials. Walk on players are welcome to get in the game anytime from from noon to 8pm on Friday. See the schedule for additional dates and times when players can pick up their event packets.
We have multiple food vendors for this event - be sure to bring extra cash for purchasing direct from vendors. We do not have an ATM on premises, nor do we do "cash back" through our store. There is an ATM located at the Exxon station near our field (2 minute drive, 5 minute walk).
Should you have any questions regarding the game or registration - please call us at (828) 495-4155 or email at
ATTENTION: A new waiver will be necessary for this event even if you have played another scenario at our field in 2023. Print the waiver (download from HERE) fill it out, and then present it at the check in/registration building for a speedier check in process (along with your receipt and safety briefing test scores).
Things you will need to have completed before registration
WAIVER:>> 2025_cdwc_waiver_and_rules.pdf
Player and Safety brief updated in fall of 2025
Player Safety Quiz updated in fall of 2025
YES! You CAN watch the safety briefing online at and then, to prove to us you took it and that you know the rules, you can click on the link to take the "quiz". The quiz is a 10 question quiz. You must score a 80% Once you have completed and passed the quiz, print out your safety certificate and bring it with you to the field when you check in for the game. We also found many of our participants had saved it to their phone and that was FINE by us! If you have not completed the online safety quiz or cannot present evidence to us that suggests that you have, you will need to watch the video at the field prior registration.
When you arrive on site, if you have pre-registered, you will want to check in with registration to receive your player packet containing a player identification card. This will identify you as having paid your entry fee, completed your waiver, safety briefing and quiz and allow you entry into the chronograph stations, and air fills. Once you have checked in, it's a good time to buy your paintball tickets if you have not already.
In order to receive any player materials or paint tickets, you MUST sign a Fulda Gap waiver upon your arrival. All players under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian signature. No exceptions. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MINIMUM AGE TO PLAY FULDA GAP IS 10 YEARS AND OLDER.
Those who arrive at the field who have not pre-registered should do so immediately at the field store! You will be required to fill out the registration form and sign a waiver. While registering, you may also purchase your paintball tickets.
Upon completing registration and check in, you will have the following: ID card, intro packet, and any pre-purchased paint tickets. Safety video and quiz will once again be available to take online. Do this before registration to save time!
You will not be able to receive air fills or chronograph without an ID badge that shows you have attended the safety briefing, so be sure to take care of your identification!